domingo, 3 de julio de 2022

 By Marco Guerrero 

In my opinion most of us want to live long, happy, successful, and healthy lives. I consider that we take bad or good habits through our lives  and sometimes we made these habits in an unconsciously way.

First  I  will show you some  good habits  that I practice in my real live , for instance  I like to practice sports on weekends  with my coworkers, friends and my sons  and also I  walk in the mornings when I have enough time,  in addition I love to spend my time cooking I think that is a good way to distract me, it is a hobby  especially when I cook for my family,   for me it is so important if we believe in a supreme being respecting the  religion  that all people practice, praying and meditating. To be punctual, eating healthy food, to be organized  are good habits especially if we are the students’ mirror.

However as  all people I have bad habits and some of them have changed our lives according  the age and the circumstances. For example when a was a child and teenager I used to eat junk food  a lot but nowadays I seldom eat it,  in additions there are another things that impulse to people adapt unconsciously to have new habits  due to the new people’s live style  and different factors like the  pandemic time  such as to keep an eye on the cell phone all the time because in our institutions  the authorities send  some messages or activities that we need to do, to keep in contact with all students and their parents.

To sum up  we need to take advantage  about  our good habits  and  discard the bad habits  however nowadays we need also identify what habits are good for us  especially that will be in benefit to our health and happiness without forgetting to enjoy and spend our time with our family and friends 

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